In the lovely innovative use of public Melbourne space, A.K.A Federation Square, I was privileged to meet an Artist who is currently working for Infinitive Interactive as an Intern through the ABC's Good Game intern award.
Zac '
Greenlig' Duff is working on the Puzzle/
RPG title 'Office Wars' which has been commissioned by the ABC.
Does Federation Square also remind you of some evil child's use of Lego? There has to be some sinister use for Fed Square, it just has the ' menacing corporation' feel to it.Office Wars is a concept forged by a Good Game forum-goer was a competition that the ABC held which would allow the game concept to be taken to Infinite Interactive to be produced. At the moment
Zac Duff claims that the game must reach 'only a prototype'
requirements and that is all that must be submitted to the ABC. If there is much popularity within the community, Infinite Interactive may
decide to take the game further and produce it for PC,
XBLA and
A screenshot from the Office Wars design document.Zac Duff has had a huge impact on the look and style of the game, the style of the characters above where designed by him. Many people have speculated on how one will defeat the games so called 'bosses', if its using physical force or mental wit.
Styled like a
RPG, Office Wars is all about fast micro managemennt of the office and knowing what
stat's to use. Unlike the regular
RPG stats, like
Strength, Stamina and Intelligence, it's replace with '
Subtlety and
Ingenuity'. Zac Duff described it as 'frantic' and that the player will have to jugle request's from the boss, the phone ringing for new jobs while all timed. It's the pressure that makes it fun
Mr. Duff then stated, that the use of 'staplers' may be used in one of the boss fights. You can take that into your own interpretation while keeping in mind that the same
developers have produced international hits such as 'Puzzle Quest'. Sadly I doubt that we will see that stapler be put to any 'Gears of War' styled uses.
Office Wars 'prototype' will be released later this year for PC.
Thanks to Zac Duff for the Exclusive Interview.Dan Byron